God rules the world; it rests in the palm of His hands. He causes the winds to blow, and the ways of men are as leaves in the breeze. He knows from whence they come and whither they goest, and their paths were marked out before the foundation of the world.

What man can boast then in that which was preordained? I tell you then that all boasting is excluded unless it be in God, for all things were created for His pleasure and all things shall find their pleasure in Him.

The wicked are not so, for they shall lament at the sight of Him whom they rejected to walk after the ways of death; and all who find pleasure in the things of this world love death. But they that despise this life in hopes of a better one shall surely find it.

For even this is the will of the Father, that all might fulfill the time of their probation by faith, and receive a crown of life. And what can achieve this save faith in the Son of God, even Yashua Messiah [Jesus Christ] who came that we might be one with the Father.

All who have this hope within purify themselves from all sin, and have put off their crimson garments for robes of white. They shall not be moved by scoffers nor shall the fear of death have any power over them. And it that last day, they shall stand boldly and not be ashamed because they have made the Most High their refuge.
