peace & poetry

a place of praise and ponder

Grow not weary of well-doing, but walk in the works of God which he hath preordained before the foundation of the world, that you might walk in them.

Lose not sight of your reward which will assuredly await you if you hold fast to that holy gospel which you have learned from the beginning.

Set not your heart upon the riches of this world, which are but temporary, but set your affections on things above, and store up treasures in heaven that will never perish.

Never stop seeking that which is good, and turn not your feet away from the paths of righteousness. Let the Spirit guide your steps and let faith establish them, that you may be found pleasing in the Father's sight.

Peace and sincerity,


God rules the world; it rests in the palm of His hands. He causes the winds to blow, and the ways of men are as leaves in the breeze. He knows from whence they come and whither they goest, and their paths were marked out before the foundation of the world.

What man can boast then in that which was preordained? I tell you then that all boasting is excluded unless it be in God, for all things were created for His pleasure and all things shall find their pleasure in Him.

The wicked are not so, for they shall lament at the sight of Him whom they rejected to walk after the ways of death; and all who find pleasure in the things of this world love death. But they that despise this life in hopes of a better one shall surely find it.

For even this is the will of the Father, that all might fulfill the time of their probation by faith, and receive a crown of life. And what can achieve this save faith in the Son of God, even Yashua Messiah [Jesus Christ] who came that we might be one with the Father.

All who have this hope within purify themselves from all sin, and have put off their crimson garments for robes of white. They shall not be moved by scoffers nor shall the fear of death have any power over them. And it that last day, they shall stand boldly and not be ashamed because they have made the Most High their refuge.


When I hear of the exceeding righteousness of those that dwelt in the city of Enoch; and that they had not even gold or silver amongst them, I cannot but look at my own life. For they gave not heed to the treasures of this world, yet I’m clouded by the distraction of earthly materials.

O that my heart might be loosed from the vain cares of life, and that all my regard and meditation were alway upon the things of God, and His first-Beloved.

For He said, Store not up for yourselves treasures on earth but rather store up treasures in heaven. And again He said, Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you.

And I know that He who created all things is able to perform all that which he hath promised, even so much as to give life unto these dry bones and to raise this corruptible body into incorruption.

No word spoken from Him shall return void, nor is He mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, the same shall he also reap.

O that the tares of deceit were uprooted from the fields of my heart and in their place were planted the engrafted word which is able to save my soul.

And so it is that I have hidden these things in my heart lest the enemy snatch them away like a crow picks stranded seeds on a pathway.

O that our faith would grow until it is sprung up like unto a mustard tree. O that it were nourished as one planted by rivers of living waters flowing forth from Thy lips. Then shall our naked branches be covered with leaves and we need not be ashamed.


I cannot contain the joy within me to know that my Father has allowed me to undergo such trials and temptations in order that I may be found worthy to inherit the greater rewards of His Kingdom.

How great it is, the blessing wherewith He has blessed me to know and to be sure of these greater things which await all of His children whom love Him and obey the law of His Gospel;

According to the word He hath preached unto us through YAHUSHA, the Christ and first-begotten, and according to the word spoken unto us through Moses and His holy prophets.

I know of a truth that all they whom obey even this same Gospel shall find peace within themselves, and shall receive a new body of flesh and bone that is no longer subjected to the power of sin and corruption as in this present world.

Moreover, the trying of our souls is necessary, that we may we be partakers of heavenly things when we overcome. How else is it possible that one should experience exceeding joy without first having endured suffering?

For that soul could not know joy unless it had also known suffering. Much like one cannot know light unless there is darkness, nor could it know warmth unless there was cold.

Take heed unto yourselves, therefore, lest there be found in you a heart of pride as to question the perfect will of God, and thereby stumble as did a third of the angels after the same manner of Satan.

But in all things let your prayer be, “O Father, Thy will be done!”

For they whom declare such things work their faith in God and believe that He already knows their needs before they ask. And verily He has promised to give all whom seek Him the desires of their hearts.

Therefore, let us pass the time of our sojourning in thanksgiving, always careful not to let the knowledge of Elohiym forsake our minds lest the cares of the world creep in.

Flee carnal passions and love every man according the example Christ hath set for us. Then shall we be called the children of God, who first loved us and has called us to be even as He is.

Peace and sincerity,


My heart blesses the God of Israel who strengthens the righteous in their afflictions. Though the world be full of terrors and evils, still are they kept in perfect peace, all those whose minds are stayed upon Him;

Because they have made the Most High their hope, and they trust in His salvation. I will say of YAHUAH, He is my Help and my High Tower. Though the wicked surround me they cannot destroy my soul.

God shall have them in derision, yea, the Rock of my salvation shall fight for me. His glory shall overtake the ungodly and the sinner. But the righteous need not fear, for only with their eyes shall they behold the desolation of the wicked in their craftiness and deceit.

Happy are they whom cry out to Elohiym with with a pure heart, for they are heard and shall behold their redemption descending from high.

Happy are they whom through faith do mortify the deeds of their flesh, for they are counted worthy in His sight.

Happy are they whom abhor evil and cleave to the instruction of the Most High, for by His blood, their robes are made white.

Happy are they whom rejoice in affliction, for their reward in heaven is great, and their joy shall never die.

Happy are they whom have mercy unto the poor, and unto the widows and fatherless, for this is right in the Father’s eyes.

Happy are they whom forsake the world and endure to the end, for they shall receive a crown of life.

Be encouraged by faith and lift your hearts in thanksgiving. Rejoice in the calling wherewith ye were called and continue steadfast in prayer.

May the peace of YAH fill our hearts, and keep us onto the glorious revelation of YAHUSHA, our Redeemer.

Peace and sincerity,
