My heart blesses the God of Israel who strengthens the righteous in their afflictions. Though the world be full of terrors and evils, still are they kept in perfect peace, all those whose minds are stayed upon Him;

Because they have made the Most High their hope, and they trust in His salvation. I will say of YAHUAH, He is my Help and my High Tower. Though the wicked surround me they cannot destroy my soul.

God shall have them in derision, yea, the Rock of my salvation shall fight for me. His glory shall overtake the ungodly and the sinner. But the righteous need not fear, for only with their eyes shall they behold the desolation of the wicked in their craftiness and deceit.

Happy are they whom cry out to Elohiym with with a pure heart, for they are heard and shall behold their redemption descending from high.

Happy are they whom through faith do mortify the deeds of their flesh, for they are counted worthy in His sight.

Happy are they whom abhor evil and cleave to the instruction of the Most High, for by His blood, their robes are made white.

Happy are they whom rejoice in affliction, for their reward in heaven is great, and their joy shall never die.

Happy are they whom have mercy unto the poor, and unto the widows and fatherless, for this is right in the Father’s eyes.

Happy are they whom forsake the world and endure to the end, for they shall receive a crown of life.

Be encouraged by faith and lift your hearts in thanksgiving. Rejoice in the calling wherewith ye were called and continue steadfast in prayer.

May the peace of YAH fill our hearts, and keep us onto the glorious revelation of YAHUSHA, our Redeemer.

Peace and sincerity,
